Little Butte Creek Eagle Point Landowner Workshop
WHERE: Ashpole Community Center ( near City Hall, 17 S. Buchanan, Eagle Point, OR 97524)
WHEN: 7pm-8:30pm
WHAT: Join your neighbors and resource professionals from Jackson Soil & Water Conservation District (JSWCD) and Rogue River Watershed Council (RRWC) to learn more about water quality concerns in the City of Eagle Point along Little Butte Creek.
Over the past 3 years, JSWCD has worked in our Little Butte Creek Focus Area to make improvements in water quality as it relates to agricultural operations. Most of these improvements have been irrigation efficiency improvement projects, which have increased water-use efficiency and reduced the amount of sediment, bacteria, and temperature loading occurring from field run-off.
This year, as we wrap up some of our major projects in the reaches of Little Butte Creek flowing through ag-land we are focusing on urban properties along Little Butte Creek in Eagle Point. Did you know that what you and your neighbors do in your parking lot, yard, or driveway can impact the health of Little Butte Creek?
Join us for an information and solutions packed evening to learn about urban riparian concerns; water quality as it relates to stormwater discharge; vegetation management on your waterfront property; and erosion and bio-engineering to improve the creek.
We will begin the evening with a 45 minute presentation introducing some broad topics as they relate to you, your property, Little Butte Creek, and the City of Eagle Point. Learn about solutions, and grant money (up to $10K) available to you for making important improvements. We'll follow the presentation with 45 minutes of break-out sessions to meet with your immediate neighbors to discuss the concerns YOU have about Little Butte Creek. We hope this opportunity will allow neighbors to come up with collaborative solutions that affect the whole community. Staff from both JSWCD and RRWC will be present to speak about past projects, successes, and challenges.
Now is the time to take the next step toward improving your waterfront property, for the health of your community--people and fish!