Community Conservation and Education Grant Program
JSWCD’s Community Conservation and Education (CCE) grant offers funding to community organizations in Jackson County for conservation projects with an educational emphasis. This program leverages partner expertise countywide to design and execute top-tier conservation and education initiatives that alige with JSWCD’s goals and priorities.
Eligible Entities:
- Nonprofits, government organizations, Tribes, educational institutions
Other Eligibility Requirements:
- Eligible projects: natural resource conservation and education projects with a strong educational emphasis for public benefit in Jackson County.
- Entities cannot have a current JSWCD CCE grant open
- Maximum $10,000/project
- No matching funds required (new in 2024-25!) - projects with demonstrated support and engagement from multiple partners and funders will be prioritized
- Funds are typically disbursed one time at project completion
Application Periods:
- The application window for fiscal year 2024-2025 grants will be announced in late summer 2024
Contact Executive Director Jill Smedstad to be added to our list to recieve more information when it becomes available: