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Join the Board of Directors

JSWCD's 7 voting directors are elected as part of our public, general elections, which occur every two years. The next election for Board of Directors will occur on November 5, 2024. Zone1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, and Zone 5 positions will be on the ballot. 

Eligibility for Board Positions

At Large Positions

Candidates for at large positions must reside within the boundaries of Jackson County and be a registered voter in the county. 

Zone Positions

District Zones

Along with living and being a registered voter in Jackson County, eligibility for zone positions also requires that directors live in the zone they represent and: 

  1. Actively managing 10 or more acres within the boundaries of Jackson County, OR
  2. ​Have served at least one year in an at large position or in an associate director position and have a conservation plan that is approved by JSWCD. 

Associate and Emeritus Directors

Associate and emeritus directors are appointed to the board by the seven elected directors. Associate and emeritus directors serve on the board, but do not vote.

Getting on the Ballot

Jackson County voters interested in becoming elected directors for JSWCD must submit the required paperwork to the Oregon Department of Agriculture in advance of the election. Contact us or the ODA SWCD support staff if you have questions.